Monday 1 December 2008

Medium 21 - Killings From the Dial

Today's choice is a slightly obscure one, in the form of short-lived Northampton indie-ites Medium 21.

They knocked out a few EPs between 2002 and 2003, most notably Plans Aren't Enough on indie's cuddliest label, Fierce Panda, before releasing their only album, Killings From the Dial on FP's sister label Temptation. It's consistently been one of my favourite records in the five years that have passed.

It's an album of scuffed, wistful indie, with more than a nod to the likes of the Flaming Lips and Grandaddy (which is probably why I like it). Singer Jon Clough had an unusual voice, at times almost sounding like he's being choked, but he was strangely listenable, adding an extra dimension to the way the band sounded.

It's a shame they never made it past album one, because the newer songs they were playing while touring the first album suggested they were going to go on to bigger and better things. I presume they just got swallowed up when Temptation disappeared after just a couple of releases.

This is an ideal wintry record, recommended listening for when the rain's hammering your window and you're all toasty warm indoors.

Download: Medium 21 - Killings From the Dial

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